
By joining us, you will reap many benefits but will also become an active member of a new movement.

Support and Advice

None of us are strangers to unwanted attention, whether that be in the tabloids, social media or on dedicated adult platforms. Previously, we have all had to deal with these situations alone, but we are offering you a support network where you can ask advice on how best to tackle difficult situations and where needed, we can offer you a legal stance as part of your membership. Similarly, you may need advice on licensing issues, police involvement or changing in legislation; together, we will help you. 

Industry Recognition

All too often our industry is either forgotten or not taken seriously by our peers in the hospitality industry or the wider general public. There is a common misconception that we run businesses under the radar and we are in some way illegal. One of the aims of our association is to raise the profile of our industry and become recognised as legal, legitimate businesses who pay our taxes, employ people and contribute to the economy 

Collaboration &
a Unanimous Voice

Become part of a family, not just an association. Together, we can raise the profile of our industry and ensure that, through minimum standards, our members are an exemplary example of what we can achieve and that we are so much more than lifestyle businesses. In the unlikely event of another national emergency, we can unanimously approach insurance firms, solicitors and MP’s to be recognised as businesses that matter. 

Central Resource

We aim to be a central resource of information and research, updating you on industry standards or any changes to legislation.

Access to Experts

As part of your membership, you will enjoy access to legal advice and if necessary, legal representation for issues directly relating to your business. We are also hoping to be able to offer a competitive insurance proposition as we are negotiating loyalty discounts for directing all business to a competitive broker. 

Media Team

We have a media team who will deal with any general PR issues in relation to our industry and will offer ‘comments’ to journalists if approached about specific issues relating to our businesses. If you need advice on how to deal with media attention, our media team can help.